Barbershop Case Study

Team Members:
    Jay Mandavia
    Tommy Steed

TTP Insights


Our goals for this project are to:

1. Analyze local barbershop trends based on demographics and yelp reviews.

2. Utilize survey and yelp data to create actionable insights for local businesses.

Questions to Answer

  • What factors determine a customer’s price point and what can businesses do with this information?

  • Can we predict if clients purchase products and if it's worth carrying inventory?

  • Can we predict the max amount a client would spend on a haircut?

Technologies Used

    ✔ Data Wrangling with Python|Pandas
    ✔ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup & Google
    ✔ Machine Learning in Rstudio & Sklearn
    ✔ Visualizations in Matplotlib & GGPlot
    ✔ Interactive Dashboard in Power BI
    ✔ Web Development in html, css & js
    ✔ Presentation in reveal.js, ipynb-md & R-md

Yelp Scraper

                                    # YELP SEARCH BY BUSINESS & ZIPCODE
                                    def search_yelp(search, zipcode):
                                    # SCRAPE FUNCTION FOR BUSINESS METADATA
                                    def scrape_yelp(url):
                                    # FUNCTION TO CREATE A PANDAS DF
                                    def create_table():
                                    # FUNCTION TO SCRAPE REVIEWS
                                    def get_review_content(url2):                   

Full Script on TTP Insights

TTP Survey


Blog Post Google Forms Survey

Survey Insights

Whites and Asians spend roughly the same amount, but the former goes for less frequent haircuts. About a 20 day difference.

Survey Insights

Hispanic/Latino spend the most and go the most often, every 2.5 weeks.

Predictive Model

Will the customer buy product after the haircut?

                                    # Logistic Regression in Python
                                    from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
                                    classifier = LogisticRegression(class_weight='balanced')                    

Source Code Logistic Regression

Pearson Correlation Matrix

Business Question

Men's Hair Salons

What factors determine a customer’s price point and what can businesses do with this information?

Customer Segmentation

Predictive Model

In order to determine what factors drive price point, TTP commissioned a customer survey. Results of this survey were fed into a predictive model.

Using predictive modeling it was determined that there are 3 primary factors that determine price point:

3 primary factors that determine price point :

                                1. Importance of price
                                2. Importance of atmosphere
                                3. Method of finding the salon

Predictive Model Factors

Base Case: Projected Price Point $40.36

This is what we would guess before we know anything about a person.

Down arrow

Cheap Haircut

Price Importance Factor
Low 274%
Medium 168%
High 100%

Clients that pay more place an emphasis on Atmosphere

Atmosphere Importance Factor
Low 46%
High 100%

Yelp Clients pay on average 81% of what referrals are willing to pay.

How did you find? Factor
Walk in 76%
Yelp 81%
Referral 100%

Customer Segmentation

Business Insights

Using the data to make more informed business decisions

                                        High End Boutiques:
                                        # Referrals are more important than Yelp
                                        # Atmosphere is key 
                                        # Price is of no concern                     
                                        # FOCUS on Yelp
                                        # Atmosphere does not matter
                                        # Price is KEY                  

Business Segmentation

Down arrow


TTP Insights